FPSA is part of a sustainable development approach
FPSA places sustainable development at the heart of its operations, through the choice of bio-sourced materials, waste sorting or optimization of the use of resources.
According to the panel on climatic IPCC, earth temperatures will increase by 5° by 2100 if no strong measures are taken. The consequences of this climate change are already visible and are getting worse every year. Faced with this alarming observation, it is our responsibility to implement actions that will have a real impact in the short, medium and long term.
In 2023, FPSA undertook an ecological transition process via the Diag Décarbon’action*. A one and a half year collection in partnership with a specialized institute to establish a complete assessment. This audit takes into account all items: from the raw materials used to the end of life of the plastic parts produced, including energy and even freight. This diagnosis makes it possible to evaluate the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted by FPSA to identify future areas of work.
*Diag Décarbon’action is a project led by Bpifrance in partnership with ADEME (Ecological Transition Agency) and ABC (French association for transition to a low-carbon economy) to support companies in their ecological transition. The support was provided by the company NEPSEN Transition.
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An objective: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 57%
At FPSA, we want all our actions to have a real, lasting and measurable impact. Carrying out an in-depth audit was a key step in this process. This audit highlighted the main areas of energy expenditure to better understand and act where it makes sense. According to the study, the raw materials used are responsible for the majority of our greenhouse gas emissions. It is then logical to prioritize actions that allow a reduction in these emissions.
Our teams are surrounded by specialists in the energy and ecological transition of businesses. Together, they have defined a target of -57% greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. They have also put in place a decarbonization plan which should allow us to achieve this target without compromising our manufacturing activities. of plastic parts nor their quality. This ambitious project is supported by all FPSA teams, from the design office to the administrative teams, including technicians and salespeople.
Everyone is involved in finding innovative solutions, changing mentalities and ensuring qualitative monitoring for better traceability.
The implementation of concrete actions for the environment by FPSA
FPSA has always integrated environmental issues into its operations, as evidenced by the various certifications obtained in recent years.
The use of recycled plastic materials, recycling of waste and even energy savings are an integral part of our daily lives. Today we are going even further by involving the entire sector in this process: customers, suppliers, transporters, etc.

An acceleration in decarbonization
The results of the study have proven it to us: to act effectively we must considerably reduce our emissions due to raw materials and optimize the end of life of our plastic parts. FPSA’s actions therefore go well beyond the emissions directly produced by its activities. They aim to affect all stakeholders, from the choice of raw materials to the recycling of finished products.
Our R&D office is constantly looking for innovations to encourage this approach in all sectors, whether automotive, childcare or even medical. Recently, for example, we have developed and designed plastic parts made from more than 94% plant fibers.
The development of such projects requires a paradigm shift on everyone’s part, time and significant financial investment. But this development is now essential to collectively reduce our carbon footprint significantly.

Recycling at the center of internal operations
If the design of products and the use of resources are designed to respect the environment, the internal organization of the company is also regularly optimized to promote recycling and energy savings.
FPSA’s approach is fully in line with the February 2020 law to combat waste and promote the tertiary economy. This law provides in particular for the fight against the presence of industrial plastic granules in nature.
As of the 1st of January, 2022, all pellet production, handling or transport sites were required to put in place devices to prevent the escape of these micro elements into nature.

The eco-environmental perspective and the objectives are clearly stated, and should allow us to accelerate our transition towards a more sober and united company, creating jobs, more human and harmonious.
Olivier Seignemartin
Manager and marketing director of FPSA